In the heart of Wilson, Arkansas, The Delta School stands as a beacon of innovation and progress. This educational haven is not just a few buildings; it's a nurturing ground for the minds of tomorrow.
This weekend The Delta School will open its doors to host the much-anticipated Make48 competition. Seven teams, each representing a local high school, eagerly await to hear the challenge from E-Z-GO, a pioneer in the realm of golf cart solutions.
These young innovators are ready to showcase their talents on a platform that celebrates innovation. By providing students with opportunities to engage in real-world problem-solving, the school is not just shaping young minds but also making a tangible impact on its community.
So, without further ado, let's meet the teams who will embark on this exhilarating journey of creativity, determination, and boundless potential. Get ready to witness the magic unfold as these young visionaries step onto the stage.
Marion Makers

The Marion Makers are a team of 2 students and 2 teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Foster teach biology and chemistry at Marion High School. The students currently are in Mrs. Foster's AP Chem. and Physics classes. Mr. Foster taught these same students in biology as 10th graders. Both students are now seniors. We love solving problems and want to show what great talent and creativity Marion High School has to offer the community. Both Clayton and Kathryn love science and making a difference in the "real" world.
EPC Warriors

The EPC Warriors are from East Poinsett County High School. They come from the same EAST Initiative class where they create projects that have an impact on the larger community. They are excited to make some community partners and learn the invention process as well.
Mob Mentality

Dave Diagostino, Jiya Mangat, Jered Robertson, and James Simpson hail from Rivercrest High School, a district located in the northeast Arkansas Delta region. We’re excited to see Mob Mentality represent their hometown #WeAreRivercrest
Crosstown Yetis

Team Crosstown Yetis consists of 3 Freshmen and their economics teacher. Gretchen Riem, Jack Peak, Anthony Clark, and Jonathan Perez-Macias are from all over Memphis and are ready for a new experience at Make48!

Allen Landry is a PLTW facilitator at Osceola High School. Three of his students Kobe Heard, Kunal Patel, and Frazon Rodgers are coming together to compete this weekend and show what the “Home of the Seminoles” can do!
The Knights of WMCS

The West Memphis Christian School team is built of three talented young students from WMCS who have a healthy respect for each other's unique skills. They are captained by Eli's mother who is an innovative teacher at their school. While enjoying challenges and the thrill of new experiences, they want to compete because they believe they can win!
EAGLE Adapters

All of these students are participants in EAST at Greene County Tech High School. All members including the Facilitator/Mentor are coming into this program with absolutely NO preconceived notions or ideas about how this is going to go.