New Year, New Look! Check out our new website!
Our homebase needed a makeover. Address is still the same (, but Ad Giants has redecorated and we like it.

The new website is so much easier to navigate and FASTER. Come on over and take a peek. There’s some great things brewing.
We will continue to update our content with helpful information, company announcements, community success stories and more. Join our mailing list here and get it all conveniently in your inbox! Subscribe to stay in the loop, sign up here
One of the new features on our website is the Event Calendar. Perfect to see where the Make48 trailer is heading to next!
Meet our growing team and learn more about us! Make48 was founded by 4 guys with an idea for an invention competition in Kansas City, and boy has it grown! Meet our talented tool techs from the past year and the amazing video crew who documents and produces the National event for PBS.
If you’re interested in working at Make48 visit our join our team page if you like working with inventors, makers and helping others realize their dreams.
Have questions about applying or want to know how our competitions work? Are you a prospective makerspace or company who wants to host or sponsor an event? We got you covered! Make48 has organized seven major events over the past six years (four filmed for television), and we’re just getting started. Here is what you need to know about Make48 Competitions & more FAQ's.
Get to know our amazing supporters and sponsors! We couldn’t do our 48-hour events without the help of some of the best companies and entrepreneurs, including Stanley Black & Decker, MAKO Design + Invent, ShopBot Tools Inc., and Airgas just to name a few.

We’re always adding new information and stories in our blog section. Keep checking what’s in store and sign up to receive new stories every couple of weeks. With our upcoming competitions and different programs, be the first to know what is on the horizon for us.
And as always, visit our social media feeds! You can get to our social channels from the Homepage and catch a preview of our Instagram feed.
A big thank you to David Farmer and everyone at Ad Giants for all the hard work putting together the new site! We are loving this new look and we hope you do too.