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Make48 with the Maker Studio at Science City for ReMake Learning Days

Writer's picture: Cassandra MunozCassandra Munoz

We are so excited to host #RemakeDays in our region! Our team had a blast at the first day of Remake Learning Days at Science City.

May 1 was the kickoff day for the first regional festival in this area. Kansas City is one of 17 regions to host dozens of events as part of Remake Learning Days Across America, the learning festival that celebrates STEAM learning.

Led locally by KC STEM Alliance, the festival of events is hosted by a variety of organizations including Union Station-Science City.

Make48 teamed up with the Maker Studio on Saturday, to offer an “exploring gears” activity for the festival. Using small blocks of wood, screws and gears that were 3d printed at the Maker Studio, the young engineers were able to work with the gears and see how they connected.

The day was a lot of fun! We had kids of all ages come through the gates. This is the first year Kansas City has held the festival, and there was so much excitement around the city. There are innovative and educational experiences for every type of learner. Families can search events by six learning themes: arts, maker, outdoor learning, science, technology and youth voice.

There is an amazing lineup of Remake Days events across Kansas City from May 1 - 10 (both virtual and in-person)! Most @remakelearningdays events are free. KC Parent has a great listing of events near you

On May 8, Make48 will be at Operation Breakthrough for another day of learning with gears! Our friends from the Maker Studio will be there too from 10am to 2pm showing future stem leaders the importance of gears. For families that are on the run, take a kit home! Instructables are available We look forward to seeing you!

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