In 2022, Quantum Coffee will be served at all our events and competitions!
The small batch coffee roasting company from Texas is a perfect partnership to give our makers the juice they need! Quantum is a San Antonio-based coffee startup, who we first met during our Maker Series showcase with April Wilkerson, in Canyon Lake, Texas.
Fidel and Diana Moreno are the owners of Quantum Coffee Roasters, as well as full-time physics and math teachers. Fidel got the idea of brewing after a student asked him if he would be interested in sampling his home-roasted coffee. While the coffee wasn’t his taste, Fidel began learning the science of how to roast his own coffee by the end of the school year. "Just like he did, I started giving away samples of my own roasted coffee, and soon started selling it as the demand grew. We started up Quantum Coffee Roasters out of our kitchen, and with lots of love and attention to detail, we have turned it into a great little coffee roasting business.
Fidel has found that growing a small business came with some trials as well. “Balancing being full-time teachers and roasting has become more of a challenge due to the limiting factors of time, roaster capacity, and growing pains. We started Quantum with the idea of letting the “Retirement plan” grow organically, while my wife and I finish up our teaching careers. While we still employ the organic growth plan, our growth is quickly outpacing our time to retirement! We started selling our coffees at a local farmers market as a trial run and found a great local community that was looking for quality, freshly roasted coffee. In just a few years, we have steadily added wholesale accounts, along with online sales, and monthly subscriptions. We will be installing our new roaster by the end of the month which will greatly help with time and capacity.”
If you’ve been to any of our events, you know that coffee is an essential tool for the 48 hour competition challenges. Team members and tool techs will stay late into the night, sometimes forgoing sleep altogether, to make the deadline. The Make48 team is delighted about the partnership with Quantum as are Fidel and Diana. Fidel said, “We are very excited to partner up with Make48 and are looking forward to getting the Maker's community caffeinated! As a Physics teacher, my inner nerd really enjoys watching the competitors go through the creative process to try to bring their invention to life!”
The Make48-Quantum Coffee is a tasty roast blend from South and Central America. “The Make48 blend will be a hybrid of Direct Trade coffees from Colombia and El Salvador.” Fidel said. “ The Colombian coffee will primarily be sourced from Cafe Quintanilla/Finca Vista Hermosa. It is a washed coffee that will provide a base of chocolate and walnut notes. The El Salvadorian coffee is provided by High Peak. It is a natural processed coffee that will add a subtle sweetness and citrus undertone to the blend. Both coffees, individually, are outstanding as single origin drip or espresso. Roasted to a solid medium, the two coffee regions create a blend that has a great flavor and mouthfeel!”
Visit “The Mother Ship!” to taste some great roasted coffee. Located in San Antonio’s original food truck park, The Point Park and Eats. A great stop to grab coffee, craft beer, or hear live music or visit their online shop for K-Cups, coffee sampler, subscriptions, and more.

I asked Fidel what his favorite blend is. “My favorite blend is the “Point Blend” that we provide for “Just the Drip”, the coffee shop we roast out of in San Antonio. It’s a solid diner style coffee! As for a single origin coffee, I do love the fruity-floral punch of a lightly roasted natural processed coffee.”
Our 100 cup coffee machine is pumped and ready to go for the 2022 season!