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Why New Consumer Products Need To Be Premium | Product Startup Podcast

Chrystal Clifton is the Founder of Chrystalize, a company that helps luxury consumer product brands grow and monetize their marketing and brand authority. She also led the charge on growing a wine brand from nothing to the number eight wine in the world, which is just one accomplishment among 20 years in the premium and luxury product industries.

Chrystal shares with the listeners of the Product Startup Podcast some valuable knowledge on how inventors, startups, and small manufacturers should think about their new product as a premium product, even if it is not in a typical luxury industry.

On Episode 72, she explains why this is so important to a new and growing brand, then explains best practices on how to pull it off the right way to ensure your product leads your industry in both reputation and success.

Episode Links:

Chrystal Clifton / Chrystalize Links:

The Product Startup Podcast Links:

Mako Design Links:

Kevin Mako Links:

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